Peaches (Prunus persica) belong to the Rosaceae family and are categorized as “stone fruits” because their seeds are enclosed in a hard, stone-like endocarp. Peaches are important commodities in terms of global agricultural production (1.5 million ha). Greece is third in EU peach production behind Spain and Italy. Peach is one of the most nutritionally fruits worldwide with a significant amount of various polyphenols, carotenoids, vitamins (provitamin A and vitamin C), fiber and minerals (potassium). About 48% of the total peach production is consumed fresh, whereas canned (37.6%) and frozen (9.8%) are the main processed peach products. Peach wastes are considered to be low-priced resources of valuable natural ingredients that can be industrialized into great value added products.
Peach production is currently on going in Greece and by-products and wastes derived from their process are collected in order to be studied in the frame of ChitoFOODs project.